The Only Clinically Proven Natural Health Product for Seasonal and Environmental Allergy in Canada.
- Multi-symptom Relief
- Fast Acting
- Non-drowsy
Multiple Clinical Trials
Multiple studies show that the active ingredient is proven to work*
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial**conducted with Allergy-Rf™ showed consumers to have:
Fewer symptoms
Reduced severity of symptoms
Higher peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow (PNIF)
Relief within 15 mins of treatment

**Benichou et al. 2014: A proprietary blend of quail egg for the attenuation of nasal provocation with a standardized allergenic challenge: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Food Science & Nutrition, 2014, dol: 10.1002/fsn3.147.
*Other Studies:
Bruttman G. 1995: DzOVIXdz quail egg homogenate: A clinical evaluation. La Medicina Biologica (MB), April -June 1995.
Takahashi K. et al, 1994: Inhibitory specificity against various trypsins and stability of ovomucoid from Japanese quail egg white. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. 40:593-601.
In the early 1970s, a French medical practitioner observed that farmers in his native Canton of Rochefort who raised quails (Coturnix coturnix), presented remarkably fewer allergy symptoms than the general population in the same area.
To test this theory, he gave raw quail eggs to his allergic patients, both adults and children – not surprisingly, finding a marked reduction in their symptoms. His mounting interest quickly revealed that Chinese medical practitioners have used quail eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma and hay fever. Subsequently, numerous clinical trials have confirmed the efficacy of quail eggs in the relief of environmental and seasonal allergies.
Clinical Research:
Preliminary clinical research reveals benefits of quail eggs in the relief of seasonal and environmental allergies.
Effects of quail eggs in the relief of pollen-induced seasonal rhinitis (sneezing, nasal congestion and itchy nose) were evaluated in 3 studies (total of 435 patients, of whom 208 took quail eggs). The patients in all 3 studies were asymptomatic at the time of enrolment and started taking the study product 30 to 60 days prior to the expected onset of pollen season.
In all trials, consumption of quail egg homogenates resulted in statistically significant reduction in the intensity of rhinitis and improvement in the condition of nasal mucosa. Consumption of quail eggs also resulted in significant reduction of administration of rescue medications, a further indication of the product’s efficacy. Quail eggs homogenate consumption was found to be safe and was well-tolerated by the subjects.
A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study
Effects of quail eggs in the relief of pollen-induced seasonal rhinitis
Allergy-Rf™ efficacy and safety in the treatment of allergy symptoms confirmed in double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
A recently completed randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial** conducted by an independent, US-based contract research organization determined the efficacy and safety of ingredients in Allergy-Rf™– a proprietary blend of quail egg for the attenuation of nasal provocation – in healthy subjects exposed to a standardized allergenic challenge.
Trial Methodology
Forty three subjects received one acute dose of either ingredients in Allergy-Rf™ or placebo given concomitantly to a standardized amount of a mixture of outdoor and indoor allergens including grass and tree pollen, dust mites, as well as cat and dog dander.
Over a two-hour period, subjects’ Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow (PNIF), an objective measure of respiratory comfort, was measured. Subjects’ perceived feelings of well-being in relation to allergy-related symptoms as well as immunoglobulin E count were also recorded
Allergy-Rf™ users demonstrated significantly improved reactions versus those who took the placebo.​
Exposure to the allergenic challenge resulted in a gradual decrease in the subjects’ PNIF values. However, the subjects who took Allergy-Rf™ demonstrated significantly less decrease in PNIF than those who took the placebo.​
The beneficial effects of Allergy-Rf™ were apparent as early as 15 minutes after consumption of the tablets. Allergy-Rf™ does not cause drowsiness. Subjects’ perceived feelings of allergy-related nasal discomforts such as stuffy nose, itchy nose, watery eyes and itchy eyes were also significantly reduced in the Allergy-Rf™ group.
No adverse events occurred during the study.